Home/School Communication

Home and School Communications 

Please feel free to contact us whenever you have a question or concern. In turn, we will do the same with you. Our preferred method of communication is email; however, we also do our best to check/return phone messages daily. Our only opportunity to check email during the day is during Specials (Integrated Arts) from 12:50pm-1:35 pm.

Our contact information is:

Tobi Datillo - tdatillo@cherrycreekschools.org                    Ph: 720-554-3733
Shannon Palumbo- spalumbo@cherrycreekschools.org        Ph:720-554-3731
Taylor Marlais - tmarlais@cherrycreekschools.org               Ph: 720-554-3728          
Bambie Mingee - 1st Grade TA                                              Ph: 720-554-3727


Each week we will be sending home information in a designated Friday Folder. The Friday Folder is our system for sending home completed work, community announcements, and homework. Each week we request that you EMPTY AND RETURN THE FRIDAY FOLDER TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER BY the following THURSDAY.

Each week a first-grade newsletter will come home in your child's Friday folder.

The Homesteader is the school’s newsletter that will be emailed every other week. It includes lots of information about school-wide activities, important dates, and other school news. We encourage you to utilize the Homestead website for checking school calendars, lunch menus, PTCO news, grade-level information, school closures and/or delays, and parent/child learning resources. You can access the website at: http://homestead.cherrycreekschools.org

Online Sign-Ups
Another way we will be communicating with you is by using online sign-ups, such as Volunteer Spot and SignUp Genius. We will be using these web-based applications to post volunteer schedules, ask for donations, request volunteers for special projects, and for posting conference schedules. Your child's teacher will be providing you with more information about volunteering.


Formal communication concerning your child’s progress will be through Progress Reports (three times) and Parent/Teacher conferences (two times). Progress reports are sent out at the end of each trimester. Conferences take place at the end of the fall and the spring trimesters. The dates and times will be posted in the First Grade Newsletter. You will sign up for a conference time using an online sign-up provided by your child's classroom teacher. You are always welcome to request informal meetings as needed.

Our goal is to help your child be safe and feel secure each day. We appreciate knowing when your child will not attend school. This would include vacations, illnesses and/or other family emergencies. If we know about these, we will be able to offer your child support and assistance. When it is necessary to change your child’s regular routine (absences, doctor’s appointments, going home with a friend) please send in a written note to let us know. It will help us get your child ready for pick up and keep them feeling secure.